Wonder Woman [PILOT]
Production Companies: DC Entertainment & Warner Bros. Television

It would appear that the writer, David E Kelley, had quite a different take on the Wonder Woman mythos by bringing her into the present day and giving her all the troubles that go along with it. This is a much darker character than seen before. Let me state that I don't usually like this kind of thing because writers can easily get carried away and kill off the characters main and basic characterisations, which is what happened in Batman Vs Superman - An old Batman was not very clever and easily lead, while Superman had no problem killing anyone, However, Kelley actually manages to keep the essence of Wonder Woman. I even think if this had become a series it may have strengthened the character for an older audience.
In this present day, Diana Prince runs a company that, not only, helps her to fight crime but helps everyday people. This in itself is a nice take on the Amazonian ethic. In this story, she's up against Veronica Cale, who is brilliantly portrayed by Elizabeth Hurley (not an actress that I would usually rate - talk about surprise - she's one of the strongest characters in the show). Cale runs a cosmetic and pharmacy business and one of her products to enhance the human physique may be killing people. Can Wonder Woman stop her before it kills more people?
Though this sounds like it could be a story out of the '70's series it does lend itself to the present day especially with a number of supplements out there that we can take to increase body mass. Kelley does an admirable job of making this relevant as well as adding a twist or two, which you, unfortunately, can see coming.
It's the direction which hurts this show though as the story and its execution on screen are very jagged and harsh. Though I cannot be too harsh as this is not a finished item, there would have been plenty of trimming and cleaning to be done before airing (so a pinch of salt there) What the director does show in this "Dirty" episode is how good at action he is. The opening sequence where Wonder Woman is in pursuit of a criminal through the busy streets is fantastic. Not only do we have running on cars (I always wanted to do that - even now I can't walk down a street of parked cars with out thinking... what if?) but jumping over vehicles and from one car to another. This also has one of the most believable faster-than-humanly-possible running sequences I've seen. Then there's the main fight scene towards the end of the show when Wonder Woman takes on a group of enhanced humans. This is also one of the best-choreographed TV fight scenes. At the end she actually kills a guard, I loved this as it adds to her true character, she is an Amazonian Warrior and warriors kill.
However, there are some drawbacks, the main being the characters. Though Elwes is good as Henry Johns, the character isn't actually needed and feels like a third thumb as all his jobs are also carried out by Etta Candy, played well by Traci Thoms. Candy also has a stronger and more filled out character. Then there's Steve Trevor, who Diana left to find herself, when he appears he's married - he didn't wait a year before getting hitched (not such a great bloke then). These issues would have been addressed and built upon in the series but here they don't work. What would have been better would be if Wonder Woman had brought Steve Trevor back to Washington in the second World War, as was the case with the '70's series, and he's now on his death bed - because there are a couple of scenes where it's been hinted she's been around for a long while. This would open up issues of love and her feeling of being alone on a planet of billions.
This wasn't as bad as I'd read it had been. If you're a DC or Wonder Woman fan then it is definitely worth one watch. I would have loved to have seen the complete series on this version of the Amazonian Warrior as Adrianne Palicki was perfect for this role.
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