Marvel Enterprises / Marvel Studios / Walt Disney Pictures
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / Walt Disney Home Studios Home Entertainment
9.5 / 10

After watching Marvel's Avengers - Age Of Ultron and Guardians Of The Galaxy, of which I was a little less than bowled over by, I was hesitant to watch this film. I knew this had the potential to be a brilliantly visual masterpiece - which it was. It was also a well thought out story filled with interesting characters and well-shot scenes, both innovative and ingenious.
Marvel needed this film to breathe fresh air into its universe.
Though it's not the Hank Pym Ant-Man that I remembered out of the back pages of the Hulk comic of my youth it still held up to the comic's feel and atmosphere.
Writers, Edgar Wright, Joe Cornish, Adam McKay, and Paul Rudd create a good and solid story around this Ant-Man's origin and the threat which the Ant-Man tech could produce. It could also be that the personality of Scott Lang (Ant-Man) is so steadfast and credible is that Paul Rudd who portrayed him also co-wrote the screenplay. I've never been a great fan of Rudd's as I've found his previous work could either hit (Role-Models) or miss (Admission) - this is definitely some of his better work, and he adds quite a bit to the character and atmosphere of the movie.
Even the rest of the cast do a brilliant job with their characters. I especially liked Bobby Cannavale as Paxton, Scott's ex-wife's new man... and cop! He adds a nice dynamic to Scott's personal life as he loves Maggie and Cassie (Scott's ex and daughter) and tries to give Scott the benefit of the doubt, even though he's an ex-con. Then there's Michael Pena who is outstanding as Luis. It was nice to see Evangelina Lilly in a decent roll and she carried off the role of Pym's estranged daughter, Hope Van Dyne, admirably. She should make a brilliant Wasp in the upcoming sequel.
The other star of this film is the Director, Peyton Reed, who seems to effortlessly weave CGI and reality together. The scenes where Scott pops from miniature to actual size while fighting could have been so bad but thanks to the direction and the animators they're believable and very effective. Reed is also good at switching pace to give his audience a rollercoaster ride of a movie.
The special effects are superb and seamless - respect due to all involved. And it is truly wonderful that Thomas the Tank Engine is finally breaking into the big time.
This film is a must for all comic book and action movie lovers alike. If you've not hopped into the Marvel universe yet this is one hell of a good place to start... though it may make the rest of the films look a little pale by comparison. This is one film I will watch again... and again...