Summit Entertainment / Red Wagon Entertainment / Soho VFX : Entertainment One / Lionsgate Home Entertainment
4.5 / 10

I've not read the books but if the film is anything to go on I won't be rushing out to buy them anytime soon.
I know this is a dystopian story set in the future but I can't class it as a Science Fiction movie as the entire story concept is implausible. I cannot believe the human race would reduce itself into five factions which are segregated by a test, but then they get to choose which faction they want to join. Not only are the factions designated by the job, but by uniform, colour, and even their homes. They are not allowed any personal items as that might bring forth human nature.
Imagine Humans being Human, what a notion!
The acting is just okay, even the bigger name actors, Ashley Judd, Maggie Q, Ray Stephenson, and Kate Winslet couldn't lift this film out of the morass the story and direction placed it in.
I don't know how they could've made the movie any better other than a total rewrite and refilm.
However, the action sequences aren't too bad except for the fight training... doesn't anybody remember Martial Arts in this stupid, segregated, and insanely dull future world(?)
I wouldn't recommend this flick to anyone. There are loads of better films out there, go watch Hercules starring Dwayne Johnson, so much more entertaining.